Card Tracking and Accounts

Card Tracking is now available for all National Mah Jongg League and Marvelous Mah Jongg cards

What does Card Tracking do?

Can I enter games I play In-Person or on other platforms?

Do I need an account?

Creating a Mahjong 4 Friends Account

Step 1: Click the Log In button in the top right corner.

Step 2: Select a Sign In method (Google/Apple/Email).

Utilizing Card Tracking

Step 1: Click the Card Tracking button.

Step 2: Click on a card to see more details.

Manually Entering Games

Step 1: Enter card tracking and select the card you're using.

Step 2: Select "In-Person", "Single Player" or "Multiplayer" at top.

Step 3: To enter losses or wall games, use the buttons at the top.

Step 4: To enter wins, click the "edit" button in the section for the hand you won.

Step 5: Then, click "Enter Win" on the specific hand to enter the win to card tracking.

That's all for now! As always, feel free to send me an email at [email protected] if you have questions, or suggestions for how to improve the game.